Best 8 AI Article Rewriting in 2024
Plagicure, Aisentence, Aiundetect, AI Humanize, Twixify, Aitext Converter, Studyable, Smodin, is the best paid/free AI Article Rewritingtools.

Tool for detecting and humanizing AI-generated content to make it undetectable by AI detectors.

Studyable is an excellent study aid application, dedicated to improving users' learning efficiency and outcomes, and providing users with comprehensive learning support and services. Through Studyable, users can scientifically arrange study time, systematically study knowledge, and improve learning efficiency.

Smodin is an advanced multilingual writing assistant designed for over 10 million students, teachers, and writers globally to boost their writing and research productivity. It leverages AI technology to provide instant text generation, detailed feedback, multi-format citation generation, and extensive subject knowledge coverage, ensuring users can complete writing tasks quickly and professionally.