
What is Tabnine ?

Tabnine is an AI coding assistant that accelerates and simplifies software development by providing contextually relevant code suggestions. It ensures the privacy, security, and compliance of code, while supporting multiple IDEs and programming languages.

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Tabnine Core Features

Full-line code completion

Natural language code generation

Code snippet suggestions

Unit test generation

AI-generated code documentation

Tabnine Subscription Plan

✔️ Code completions powered by best-in-class AI models
✔️ AI chat agents in the IDE to generate code
✔️ test
✔️ docs
✔️ and more
✔️ SaaS or self-hosted (on-premises or VPC) deployment
✔️ AI chat agents personalized to your entire codebase

FAQ from Tabnine

Which IDEs does Tabnine support?

Tabnine supports multiple mainstream IDEs, including VS Code, IntelliJ series, Eclipse, PyCharm, WebStorm, and more. Users can choose and install the appropriate plugins as needed.

How does Tabnine ensure code privacy and security?

Tabnine ensures code privacy and security by running locally, following enterprise security standards, and training only on open-source licensed code. Additionally, Tabnine offers deployment options on private cloud or local servers to ensure code stays within trusted network environments.

What major features does Tabnine provide?

Tabnine provides full-line code completion, natural language-based code generation, code snippet suggestions, unit test generation, and AI-driven code documentation generation. These features aim to improve development efficiency and code quality.

How does Tabnine personalize recommendations?

Tabnine provides contextually relevant personalized suggestions by analyzing local code and global code repositories. It can be adjusted based on team code styles and standards to ensure recommended code aligns with company best practices.

How does Tabnine integrate with existing development tools?

Tabnine seamlessly integrates into existing development workflows, supporting multiple programming languages and frameworks. Users can enjoy the efficiency gains of AI-assisted coding without changing their current development processes.

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