Good Notes

What is Good Notes ?

GoodNotes is a leading digital note-taking app that combines AI technology to provide features such as handwriting recognition, PDF annotation, and intelligent note organization. Whether it's for studying, working, or personal notes, GoodNotes can meet all your needs.

  1. Recording time:2024-05-29
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Good Notes Core Features

Handwriting recognition

PDF editing and annotation

Multi-platform sync

AI math assistance

Customizable templates and folders

Good Notes Subscription Plan

Annual Subscription
✔️ Unlimited notebooks
✔️ Watermark-free export
✔️ 250MB file import
✔️ Customizable folders and templates
One-time Purchase
✔️ Unlimited notebooks
✔️ Watermark-free export
✔️ 250MB file import
✔️ Customizable folders and templates

FAQ from Good Notes

Can I still access my notes after the subscription ends?

Yes! After canceling the subscription, you can still access your notes and will automatically switch to the free version, which allows editing three notebooks.

Is GoodNotes free for schools?

Yes! Educational institutions managing devices through Apple School Manager can obtain the full version of GoodNotes for free.

What's the difference between GoodNotes 5 and GoodNotes 6?

GoodNotes 6 integrates the latest AI technology and supports more features such as folder color changes and upcoming sync for Windows and Android.

I have already purchased GoodNotes 5, do I need to pay again?

No need. If you have already purchased GoodNotes 5, you can continue to use it, and all notes will be safely preserved.

Is the AI feature available in all regions?

Currently, certain regions are unable to use the AI input feature, such as Afghanistan, Belarus, China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

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